domingo, 11 de febrero de 2024

Historias de constelaciones

Amanda's eye, by Mónica Galdón

Years ago there was a kingdom like any other, a Castle  stood on a hill. The King, the Queen and their daugther, Amanda, lived there. Since she was very little, Amanda had lived loocked in her room in the highest tower of the Castle. She had nevera left there. When she was 10 years old, her parents died and she was left in the care of her aunt Who treated her as a servant. One day, the girl had enough, she was already over 20 years old and tried to scape. Her aunt caught her and topo to the gallows, before the hanged her, Amanda cursed: when i die, muy eye Will continue to watch you go wherever you go. The girl said and right there they pushed the barrel that was in her feet and she died. 

Months later, her aunt, every time she looked at the sky she saw an eye signed by stars. Wherever she looked she always saw It. She beggan to go crazy and every time she looked in the mirror at nigth Next to her window, she could see the Spirit of her niece withow an eye and always smiling. 
Thats why the constellation is called Amanda's eye.
The star fish, by Susana Sillero

It´s said that a long time ago there was a very small whale that lived alone. She met many whales but they were very different from her. The whale tried to get closer to the other whales but they ran away from it.
One day when the whale was swimming alone and sad, she met a goddess, the goddess of the sea, and the whale asked her:
-Why I am not a whale like the others, why I am so small?
-Because you are not a whale but a fish of the stars.
-A fish of the stars?
-Yes you are not from the sea but from the stars.
The goddess picked up the fish from the stars and took it to them.
-Look, they are like you, - said the goddess -.
"It's true," - said the star fish -.
-They are even smaller than me.
And since then you can see the starfish swimming happily and never alone again. 

The young sailor, by Clara Rienda

In a sea far, far away there was a young sailor who was sailing in search of a very valuable but cursed treasure, the treasure gives you immense wealth but your life will be cursed and will not be pure.

Halfway along the way he found some gold coins but the sailor wasn't satisfed with that and he continued sailing until a rock got in his way the ship sank and nothing more was ever heard form the sailor.

Princess Natalia, by Marina Sánchez
Natalia was a rebellious princess. She lived in an old kingdom in Germany. She liked horses and archery. Everything was going well until one day some invaders attacked his kingdom. Natalia´s mum wanted her daughter to go outside the kingdom. But she didn't want. She wanted to stay in her kingdom to fight. So she took her horse called Raland and she escaped to don´t go outside her kingdom. Natalia was very good at fighting. She defeated the invaders alone.
El osito gominola, por Valeria Mouliaá
En un mundo donde la magia se entremezclaba con la realidad, vivía un osito gominola llamado Max, residente del enigmático Reino de las Delicias. Max destacaba entre los demás ositos por llevar consigo un Chupa Chups especial que le confería la habilidad de surcar los cielos azucarados con gracia y libertad.
Durante uno de sus viajes a través de las nubes de algodón de azúcar, Max se encontró con una singular gominola llamada Luna. Esta gominola, diferente a las demás, resplandecía con destellos de estrellas incrustadas en su superficie.Max y Luna, cautivados por su mutua singularidad, establecieron una conexión especial. Juntos, exploraban los confines del Reino de las Delicias, compartiendo secretos y contemplando los tesoros escondidos entre los arcoíris de caramelos.
En una noche de encanto celestial, Luna confió a Max un secreto que cambiaba destinos: "Cada estrella en mi superficie es un deseo cristalizado. Si uno toca estas estrellas con la intensidad del alma, esos deseos se hacen realidad".Movidos por una curiosidad esperanzadora, Max y Luna decidieron fusionar sus anhelos. Deseaban una amistad eterna, plena de complicidad y la promesa de días repletos de experiencias inolvidables.
Uniendo sus voluntades, tocaron las estrellas en la superficie de Luna, y en un instante trascendental, su deseo se materializó. La amistad entre Max y Luna se fortaleció aún más, brillando como astros en el firmamento. Desde entonces, cada vez que miraban al cielo, recordaban el poder de la conexión humana, donde la amistad y el amor se entrelazan, iluminando cada jornada en el Reino de las Delicias con una luminosidad especial.
She, by Berta Lucena


This story is based on real facs.

In this story the protagonist is a girl. Her name is… I don't know because she didn't want to say her name. She likes to jump rope, play volleyball and play with her family. The bff of this girl is Daniela. She is very difficult  because she gets hungry or sad every day. What happened to this girl is sad and beautiful. She sad never has Friends and her grandmother was the only thing she had in the world who appreciated her and wanted to listen to her. 
One day this girl found out that her grandmother had died.
The world came upon him and each time the last of his grandmother hurt more.
One day she decides to go play volleyball and relax because she has got studi every evening.
She likes volleyball more and more and her olvidate grandmother. The heart of this girl is aumentes and she finishes sad every day.
Elisa, by Emma Fortes 
This is the story of a girl that leave alone with her mum called Elisa the stayed in a very small apartament n the countryside of U.S.A one dar the girl called Mia arrived at the apatament but her mum was tiene there sheila tríes to call her but it diden’t respond so Mia started to be in alert when the knok the door sheila propende and san her grandmother that tolde her that Elisa her mum feld of the balcony and died sheila salud that her mum lea ved her a voiceover messagepads tollina her that sheila will always be with her forever & always so ever y night when Mia was san or upset she looked at the sky and san the eye of her mum giving her strenght to go on. 
The boy and the comet, by Dunia Márquez Extremera
One day, the boy was playing with his comet, he was playing so much that it became night. When It became night he was going to home, but he saw something in the sky. He picked his telescope and looked at the sky when suddenly he saw a star explode. When a few hours passed, he looked at the sky and Saw that a new constellation off some kind of swords had been created.
Tres constelaciones, por Yoav Morillas
Constelación número 1
Estas dos flechas apuntando hacia el norte se llama la constelación: Guiativa. Mucha gente se pregunta ¿Por que se llama así? Se llamaba así por que antiguamente los exploradores miraban al cielo buscando esa constelación ya que apunta al norte para eso buscaban por la noche esa constelación. Se dice que las flechas apuntaban hacia la muerte pero los exploradores sabían mejor que nadie que no, que apuntaban hacia el norte.
Constelación número 2: 
La flor de la muerte es una constelación cuya constelación llevaba a la muerte. Hace mucho tiempo los terraplanistas escribían miles de libros sobre esa constelación, ya que se decía que era el fin del planeta. Mucha gente se lo creyó, ya que los miles de libros decían que justo debajo de esa constelación te caías al vacío, hasta que Cristóbal Colón decidió demostrar que no pasaba nada pasando con los barcos. Desde entonces nos reímos de esa historia y constelación.
Constelación número 3
El cometa imperfecto es una constelación con forma de cometa. Se comenta que se llama así por que le hacian bullying en el colegio a un niño, hasta que un día de tanto: Pegarle, insultarle, ridiculizarle y otras cosas peores… Se escapó y no se volvió ha saber de el.



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