martes, 12 de mayo de 2020

Nuestro trivial científico (VI)

Nuestra nueva tarjeta de nuestro trivial científico. Suerte.
Ya tenéis los vergeles conseguidos en la tarjeta número 4. Están en la entrada correspondiente.

9 comentarios:

  1. Carmen Baltar Ruiz 1º eso A:
    ASTRONOMY: Big Bang theory.
    EARTH: Don't keep the tap open when it's not necessary.
    LIFE: Rhizopod protozoa.
    PLANTS: Petiole.
    ANIMALS: Neuron.

    Astronomy: Big Bang Theory
    Earth: Avoid evaporation of water by covering the pool when possible
    Life: rhizopod protozoa
    Plants: Conductive vessels
    Animals: the neuron

  3. Hola profe, soy Santiago Morales Méndez de 1A.
    Astronomy: Big Bang.
    Earth: Take a shower instead of a bath.
    Life: Rhizopod protozoa.
    Plants: Conductive vesseles.
    Animals: Neurons.

  4. Astronomy Theory of Expansion
    Earth Use the washing machine only was it full
    Life Amoeba
    Plants Connecting vessels
    Animals The brain

  5. I´m David Fernández López.
    Astronomy: The Big Bang Theory.
    Earth: Turn off the tap.
    Life: Rhizopoda protozoa(I don't know how are in English, in Spanish are Protozoos Rizópodos).
    Plants: Conductive vessels.
    Animals: The neurons.

  6. Soy dario:
    1= The Steady State theory of the Universe Another theory about the Universe, called the Steady State theory, says that the Universe has always existed, and that the Universe is expanding and constantly creating matter as the Universe expands.
    2= To save water at home: when we soap we turn off the water, when we brush our teeth we turn off the water, we can use the water fron the dryer into the Dishwasher
    4= The leaves can be anatomically divided into two parts: limbo and petiole (Figure 1). Limbo is the part of the leaf responsible for performing photosynthesis and regulating perspiration. Here are most of the stomata and the plant's chlorophyll parenchyma
    5= The basic unit of the nervous system is the neuron, or nerve cell. Neurons are distinguished from other cells by their ability to communicate with other neurons through synaptic transmission and form highly structured communication networks.

  7. Astronomy: Big bang.
    Earth: Take a shower and not a bath.
    Life: Rhizopods.
    Plants: Conductive glasses.
    Animals: Neurons.
    Soy Sergio Jiménez Barros.

  8. And now the answers to our questions:
    1. Big Bang.
    2. Whatever you propose to save water.
    3. Rhizopodan protozoa or rhizopoda (scientific name).
    4. Phloem or phloem vessels.
    4. Neuron.

    And now, your vergeles:
    Carmen Baltar: 4 vergeles.
    Julia Caballero: 4 vergeles.
    Santiago Morales: 4 vergeles.
    David Fernández: 4 vergeles.
    Darío Cañizares: 2 vergeles.
    Sergio Jiménez: 4 vergeles.
    Please, don't forget to say who you are. I can't give you vergeles if I don't know who has answered the questions!!!

  9. Vicente Maroto Padial
    Astronomy: Big Bang
    Earth: Cut off the tap water
    Life: Amoeba
    Plants: Vessels
    Animals: Neuron
