martes, 24 de marzo de 2020

Plants and interaction

You know that interaction is a vital function that allows living beings to respond to changes in the environment around them or within their own organism. People think that plants are different to animals and they are not able to interact with the environment. What a big mistake!

Plants react to different stimuli. The most important ones are light, temperature, gravity and humidity. And the most common reactions of plants are movements and seasonal changes. There are two kind of movements: nastic movements and tropisms.

Nastic movements are rapid movements of some parts of the plant. Photonasty is a response to light, for example in sunflowers. Thigmonasty is a response to contact. You can see this movement when you touch a plant named Mimosa pudica. And what happens when a carnivorous plant traps an insect?

Tropisms are slow and irreversible plant responses in which plants direct their growth towards a stimulus, if positive tropism, or away from in, in case of negative tropism. For example, phototropism is a response to light; hydrotropism, to the presence of water.

J.hagelüken. Wikipedia
Have you ever wondered why most plants flower bloom in spring? How do they know when it is time to produce flowers and reproduce? Plants react to seasonal changes and they are able to notice the length of days or nights. In spring, days last lot of hours. Plants modify some of their vital processes as a responde to changes in the environment, like temperature or light.

And now, some questions:

1. What are the most important stimuli to plants?
2. What are the difference between tropisms and nastic movements?
3. What kind of reaction is produced in a a plant when the stem of a grass grows towards the light in order to avoid the shade of a tree?
4. Why do the roots of plants grow to areas where there is water in the ground?
5. Give an example of a nastic movement and a seasonal change.

4 comentarios:

  1. 1.The most important stimuli is light, temperature, gravity and humidity.
    2.Nastic movements are rapid movements but tropisms are slow and irreversible.
    3.The type of reaction is tropism.
    4.Because without that water the plants cannot live and since the roots distribute that water throughout the plant they are in charge of looking for it.
    5. An example of a seasonal change are the trees and a nastic movement is the Mimosa Pudica.

  2. 1. What are the most important stimuli to plants?

    nastia, phototropism, gravitropism.

    2. What are the difference between tropisms and nastic movements?

    Is that tropisms respond to stimuli permanently, while nastias are temporary responses.

    3. What kind of reaction is produced in a a plant when the stem of a grass grows towards the light in order to avoid the shade of a tree?

    Is Photonasty

    4. Why do the roots of plants grow to areas where there is water in the ground?

    So they can get enough nutrients to make photosynthesis.

    5. Give an example of a nastic movement and a seasonal change.

    Hydrotropism and a seasonal change may be spring.

  3. Por favor, poned el nombre en vuestras colaboraciones.

  4. Vicente Maroto Padial
    1. The most important stimuli are light, temperature, gravity and humidity.
    2. Tropisms are slow and irreversible plant responses in which plants direct their growth towards a stimuli and Nastic movements are rapid movements of some parts of the plant.
    3. Phototropism
    4. Because they need water to live
    5. A nastic movement is Thigmonasty that is a response to contact and a seasonal change is that flowers bloom in spring
