viernes, 15 de febrero de 2019

Journey to the center of the Earth: Making crystals

The lava, porous in places, was covered with little round bulbs; crystals of opaque quartz, decorated with clear drops of glass, hung from the vaulted ceiling like chandeliers, and seemed to light up as we passed. It was as if the spirits of the underground were lighting up their palace to welcome their guests from the Earth.
‘It’s magnificent!’ I shouted in spite of myself. ‘What a sight, Uncle! Look at the colours in the lava which go from reddish-brown to bright yellow absolutely continuously. And these crystals that look like luminous globes!’
‘So you admire all that, my boy? You will see lots more, I hope.’
Jules Verne: Journey to the centre of the Earth

Crystals are a special kind of solid material where the molecules fit together in a repeating pattern. This pattern causes the material to form all sorts of unique shapes.
Crystals can have very flat surfaces called facets. They can form geometric shapes such as triangles, rectangles, and squares. The shapes are a direct result of the type of molecules and atoms that make up the crystal. Smaller crystals and larger crystals that were formed of the same molecules and in the same method should have similar shapes.
The process of crystal forming is called crystallization. Crystals often form in nature when liquids cool and start to harden. Certain molecules in the liquid gather together as they attempt to become stable. They do this in a uniform and repeating pattern that forms the crystal.
In nature, crystals can form when liquid rock, called magma, cools. If it cools slowly, then crystals may form. Many valuable crystals such as diamonds, rubies, and emeralds form this way. Another way crystals form is when water evaporates from a mixture. Salt crystals often form as salt water evaporates.
Can we make crystals? Of course. A good example is when saltwater is left to dry. The moisture will slowly evaporate and the only thing that is left is the salt. Salt appears in crystallized form.
Another example is to grow ammonium phosfate or copper sulphate crystals. Both of them are safe chemicals for producing a mass of crystals quickly. The first one is a white powder that yields clear crystals; the second one is a bluish power that forms beautiful dark blue crystals.
To get the crystals we have to stir salts into boiling water until the powder is completely dissolved. Put the solution into a container in a location where it will not be disturbed. If we want to get large crystals, let's try to cool the solution slowly from very hot down to room temperature. If we want big crystals we can take a small single crystal and place it in a new growing solution.
Good luck!!

And here, our first results. Beautiful crystals!

32 comentarios:

  1. Hola profe soy Alma ¿es decir que podría haber ese tipo de cristales de gran tamaño debajo de la superficie terrestre? ¿Y porque?

  2. Busca lmformación sobre la geoda de Pulpí o la cueva de los cristales de Naica

  3. Profe acabo de verlo. Esta chulisimo !!

  4. Hi teacher, I´m Lucía Muñoz. That crystal are produced in a natural form underground? How?

  5. In my opinion, you are able to answer to this question. Can you remember how we made our crystals? Minerals are chemical substances too. For example, sea water has a high salt concentration; when water evaporates beautifil crystals appear.

  6. Hola profe soy Alma. Para mí esta experiencia ha sido impresionante ya que ver el proceso de cristalización ha tardado bastante e ir viendo cada día los cambios es muy interesante porque tenemos los cristales que salen a partir de las piedras y los que simplemente han crecido desde el líquido (aunque son bastante grandes...) Ojalá podamos hacer más experimentos como este, pues los cristales han salido genial.

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. Hi Alma. Beautiful comment. But now it is time to write something about crystals un English, isn't it! Nevertheless you know that you aré going to choose your crystal very soon!!!

  9. Hi teacher! I’m Laura. The cristals are amazing. I’ll try to make in my house this weekend, can you revise if i have any mistake:
    How do you do cristals? You have to boíl water and mix with sulfato de cobre (i don’t know how to say in English) then you have to Putin in a recipe and wait 2 or 3 weeks. I’ts all right?

  10. It's OK. The chemical is copper sulphate. Be careful, recipe means receta, not recpiente.

  11. Hi teacher, I´m Alma. My point of view is that this experience for my is amazing. Although I can´t make the crystals in my house is best making in the laboratory with all.

  12. Hi teacher, I´m Alma. My point of view is that for me is incredible these experience. Although I can´t make crystals in my house, but is best make it in the laboratory with all the class.

  13. Hi teacher I’m Noa i am so surprise of how big are the cristales are very beautiful the color blue of the surface its so good.
    I want a cristales because there is very beautiful and interesting of both, is a experiment very interesting as is a quimic solution that produce this crystals that are's amazing what science does, its was a incredible expienrence.
    Thank very much for your ideas with this experiments.

  14. I think it has been published but I think it needs your approval.

  15. Hello! I'm Almu.
    I'm so excited about the crystals, there are so beautiful!
    The first time I tried this same experiment did not go well and I am very surprised and at the same time happy because, this time it has gone perfect!
    The process has been very fun since we have participated most. The crystals are beautiful, they are wonderful! I have learned a lot with this project and I am very grateful to you, teacher.

  16. Hi teacher I'm Julia.
    The cristal are so beautiful! The process is incredible and very fun. After they can form geometric shapes and the color blue of the surface. This experiment has been a very nice way to learn
    Thank you teacher for teaching us this magnificent experiment.

  17. Hi teacher I’m Laura, I have a question; can the cristals grow in a toy car? My brother ask me ,but my answer was I don’t know, I think yes but I’m not sure. Can you answer me? Thanks🥰

  18. Hi teacher I’m Laura I have a question; if crystals can grow on a surface like rock could grow in other surface?🤔

  19. Hi, Laura. I really don't know if your crystals could grow on your brother's toy car. You have seen how our crystals have grown on rocks, even on a shell, but plastic is different. Try to do it.

  20. Hi teacher the crisrtals are very interesting. When you talk about this in class I don´t know how do that, but you explain very well and I (more less) I know how you do it.

  21. Hello, I love this experience because when I was little love the minerals, crystals... And this was very interesant. The crystals grow with a mix in hot water and copper sulphate.ONE QUESTION: It serve for it a normal recipient?

  22. Hello teacher! I love this experience and I was enjoy. I love see how the crystalas grow. I hope do more experiment with crystals.

  23. Hi Teacher I want to tell you that I like this experiment and I want to do more cristals.

    See you!

  24. Hi teacher! This crystallization experience has been very funny and beautiful; I was delighted to see how the crystals have been forming. They are very beautiful. I think it's amazing what science can do. I love this experiment.

  25. Hi teacher|This experience with crystal is very beautiful and interesting, thanks for you crystallization class,I love this kind of class, and I want one of these crystal but I really liked the experience.

  26. Hi, I´m Elisabeth, and I´am going to tell you my experience with crystallization:
    The truth is that it has been amazing, as some of my partners mades the chimicals in the funnels and glass bottles, I hope someday the could do some... And also, see, when in second the pictures we while we made them.

  27. Hello, i'am Kiara.
    I forever always loved the different colored crystals, when i saw my teacher making a crystal rock, it left me surprised. I wich that one day i could do chemistry, since i am very interested in esperiments and could make many wonderfull crystals.

  28. Hello,my name it´s Sami.I love the crystals like the photografic,y don´t know how does the teacher do,but is amazing,i can´t understund how didi you can make those crystals with science,¡it´s amazing!Good bye.

  29. Hello, my name it´s Sami.
    I love that picture!And when i look that crystals, i think that it´s amazing how can do you do.When i have nine years old i say:I love biology, when i was adult,i want to be biology.But now no, but it´s amazing.Thanks teacher for your less about bacteries, i love that less.

  30. The crystals experiment I love although you have to do a few steps because if it does not work well you have to take a blue powder that I do not remember its name an easy project if you do well this experiment I loved it because we all work in a group although the most of us did it at recess and almost nobody was there although some part we did in class
