lunes, 13 de febrero de 2017

Life in a drop of water

A drop of untreated water is a very small world. Hundreds of small microorganisms like protozoans, bacteria and algae live there. We have colected different samples of water; in the laboratory we have deposited drops of water onto a glass slide, we have covered it with a cover slip and observed with a microscopy. There are lots of different small organisms living there. Here you have some pictures taken in our laboratory. We have observed protozoans like Paramecium or Vorticella, algae, even small pluricelular animals as rotifers, also known as wheel animals. We have found some parasite eggs too! 
What do you think about our experience? Try to draw one of these small organisms; I will publish the best drawings in our blog.

Parasite egg.
And here we have some of your drawings:

A Rotifer. Ainhoa Yolanda Monero Duperón, 1º ESO B.

A rotifer watched with a Foldscope. Ignacio Mengíbar, 1º ESO C

10 comentarios:

  1. in this experiment you need a glass,water,a plants.first you put water and plants in the glass,next you put and small water in the glassline and next you pùt a cover slip and next you see throught a microscope

  2. El experimento trató de recoger agua estancada y los ampliamos para ver sus microorganismos,encontramos desde protozoos hasta huevos de parásitos y nos dimos cuenta los riesgos que trendría beber agua estancada

  3. Marta Roldán Martín 1ºA15 de febrero de 2017, 3:39

    It's a very interesting experiment, because normally we don't think that a small drop of water can has so many microrganisms like rotifers or protozoan .
    The experiment consits in a drop of water and we observe it and all of the living beings that has in it .
    We take a picture of them and compare their form or size .

  4. alejandra campos lozano15 de febrero de 2017, 3:47

    Es un experimento muy divertido es interesante,se compone de agua contaminada.Se coge el cristalito y echamos una gotita en el cubre objeto,lo dejamos caer para que se extienda.Se coge con las pipetas el agua que han traido los compañeros y se ponen en el cristal mas grande y el chico se coge y lo ponemos encima dejando que se extiendan las bacterias,por ejemplo en la 1 placa vemos:algas, celulas,fibra,cloroplastos etc

  5. Elena De La Torre Amat 1ºB20 de febrero de 2017, 7:46

    Today we have been in the laboratory have brought some of my colleagues who have left some time and we have taken some plates and have dropped a drop and we have seen through the telescope and we have seen a lot of photos.

  6. Alberto del Castillo Esteban21 de febrero de 2017, 7:34

    Los infusorios son organismos que se encuentran en las infusiones.
    ¿Cómo se pueden observar estos organismos?
    el primer paso es coger una placa en la cual vamos a depositar una gota de la infusión (se hecha una gota pequeña). Después se coloca otra placa que va a hacer que la gota no se derrame.
    el las muestras que cogimos observamos:
    en la muestra de Ainhoa encontramos huevos de parasítos
    en la muestra de Julia observamos rotíferos; ye en la mía, por último vimos protozoos.


  7. In the experiment we saw microorganisms with the microscope. Then in my jar of water we saw rotifers. In the water of my companions we find eggs of parasites. In our class we did not see seaweed.

  8. Miguel Molina 1º ESO B21 de febrero de 2017, 11:33

    Hi, I'm Miguel Molina Morillo and here I leave you my comment.
    In this experiment we have been able to see some samples of water brought to us by some colleagues, and in those samples we have observed microorganisms that we have studied in the book of biology.
    To do this experiment put a drop of that water on a slide, which is a large thick glass and then covered with a coverslip.
    This experiment teaches us that there is more life in a drop of water than we thought.

  9. SEBASTIÁN chaparro diaz 1eso B26 de febrero de 2017, 8:27

    on the water puddly i see insects than rotiferos and in the ainhoa i see algas is a experiment very cool i like

  10. Lupe Rosales Aguilar 1°ESO A2 de marzo de 2017, 9:46

    Este experimento me ha parecido más interesante que él anterior, porque, me parece increíble que , poniendo una gota de agua estancada en un portaobjetos, y cubriéndola con un cubreobjetos, se pueda ver, muchos microorganismos, a través del microscopio. Se veían muchos protozoos moviéndose.
